2009     B.F.A. in Illustration, Savannah College of Art & Design


2011     The Synapse Between Here & There -- Thinkspace Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2010     Nurturing the Uneased Soul -- Thinkspace Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
2009    Portraits of the Unknown -- Thinkspace Gallery, Los Angeles, CA


2016      Cluster -- Jonathan Levine Gallery, New York, NY
             Dream Covers -- KrabJab Studio, Seattle, WA
             Pow! Wow! Hawaii -- Honolulu Museum of Art, Honolulu, HI
             Point of Vision -- Museum of American Illustration, New York, NY
             LAX/LHR -- StolenSpace Gallery, London, England

2015      LAX/DTW -- Inner State Gallery, Detroit, MI
             Moleskine Project IV -- Hashimoto Contemporary, San Fransico, CA
             Pow! Wow! Hawaii -- Honolulu Museum of Art, Honolulu, HI
             Juxtapoz's 20 Years Under the Influence -- LA Munipcal Gallery, CA

2014      MicroVisions -- Museum of American Illustration, New York, NY
             New Works -- Thinkspace Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
             Aqua Art Miami -- Art Basel, Miami, FL
             Muse of Helikon II -- Helikon Gallery, Denver, CO
             LAX/SFO -- Hashimoto Contemporary, San Francisco, CA
             Spectrum II -- Museum of American Illustration, New York, NY

2013      A Place Procured From Our Yesteryears -- Roq La Rue, Seattle
             Other Worlds -- Canon Gallery, Monmouth, OR
             Moleskine Project III -- Spoke Art, San Francisco, CA

2012      Works of Tran Nguyen -- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
             Borrowed Memories -- Thinkspace Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
             Homeroom -- Subtext Gallery, San Diego, CA
             Moleskine Project II -- Spoke Art, San Francisco, CA

2011      Post-It Barcelona -- Atticusbcn Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
             Society of Illustrators Show -- Museum of American Illustration, New York, NY
             A Tribute To Harry Potter -- Gallery Nucleus, Alhambra, CA
             Impetus -- Joseph Gross Gallery at University of Arizona, Tuscon, AZ

2010      Picks of the Harvest: Art Walk, Los Angeles, CA
             The Next Generation -- London Miles Gallery, London, U.K.
             Summer Annual Invitational Show -- Jonathan Levine Gallery, New York, NY
             Aqua-Art: Art Basel, Miami, FL
             Beyond Eden - LA Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
             Playful Extremities - Giant Robot, New York, NY

2009     Aqua Art Fair : Art Basel, Miami, FL
             Tata Gala - Digital Three Gallery, Sarasota, FL
             Beyond Eden - LA Municipal Art Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
             Culver City Invasion - Thinkspace Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
             Seven Ply - TruSpace Gallery, Savannah, GA


2016     Lecture & Demonstration, La Galeria Roja, Seville, Spain
2014     Lecture & Demonstration, Portfolio Center, Atlanta, GA
2014     Talk & Share: SCAD Illustration Alumni, Savannah College of Art & Design, Savannah, GA
2013     Lecture & Demonstration, Savannah College of Art & Design, Atlanta, GA


ImagineFX, Smithsonian, Bloomberg, Spectrum Fantastic Art, Idea Illustrator, Communication Arts, Print Magazine, Hi-Fructose, Juxtapoz, WeAr, Chattahoochee Review, Homonym For Happiness, Fantasy Plus, Gazeta Bankowa, MacUser Magazine